come & see
As Anglican Christians, we follow the ancient pattern of worship in Word and Sacrament, so that we would come to know Jesus Christ. We confess and receive forgiveness together; are encouraged and strengthened by the Word of God; and receive spiritual nourishment each week in Holy Communion. We invite you to "come and see" Jesus Christ with us at St. Peters.
Jesus Christ
In word & sacrament
come & see

As Anglican Christians, we follow the ancient pattern of worship in Word and Sacrament, so that we would come to know Jesus Christ. We confess and receive forgiveness together; are encouraged and strengthened by the Word of God; and receive spiritual nourishment each week in Holy Communion. We invite you to "come and see" Jesus Christ with us at St. Peters.
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
Traditional Eucharist 8:00 AM
Sung Eucharist 9:30 AM